Introduction to DeFi: What Is Decentralised Finance?

Understanding the Fundamentals of Decentralised Finance

Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, represents a novel financial technology built upon the foundation of secure, distributed ledger systems akin to those utilized by various cryptocurrencies.

In the United States, authoritative bodies such as the Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) establish regulations for centralized financial entities, including banks and brokerage firms, that serve as intermediaries for individuals seeking to engage with capital and financial services. Contrary to this traditional centralized approach, DeFi promotes a system where transactions and financial interactions are facilitated directly between participants, without the need for central intermediaries.

The Functioning of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

DeFi operates on peer-to-peer financial networks, leveraging advancements in security protocols, connectivity, software, and hardware to bypass traditional intermediaries such as banks and financial service providers. These intermediaries currently impose fees on businesses and consumers for utilizing their services, a necessity within the existing financial framework. By employing blockchain technology, DeFi aims to diminish the reliance on such intermediaries, facilitating a more direct and efficient financial ecosystem.


A blockchain serves as a decentralized and secure database or ledger, where transactions are documented in blocks and authenticated through automated procedures. Once a transaction is confirmed, the corresponding block is sealed and encrypted, leading to the creation of a new block. This new block contains details from its predecessor along with data on recent transactions.

The term "blockchain" comes from the way these blocks are linked, with each subsequent block containing information from the one before it, thus forming a chain. Altering data in any given block would necessitate changes in all subsequent blocks, making tampering practically impossible. This characteristic, coupled with various security measures, underpins the robust security features of blockchain technology.

Individuals manage their tokens or cryptocurrencies through applications known as wallets, which facilitate the transmission of data to a blockchain. These wallets store private keys, akin to passwords, granting users control over their virtual tokens that embody value. To transfer ownership of these tokens, a user 'sends' a specified amount to another party using their wallet. The recipient's wallet then creates a unique private key for them, securing their new ownership. Due to the inherent design of blockchain technology, once a transaction is executed and recorded, it cannot be reversed, ensuring the finality and integrity of the transfer.


DeFi applications serve as a bridge to the blockchain, enabling individuals to freely manage their finances — be it through spending, lending, gifting, or trading — without the need for intermediaries. These applications are essentially software that can be installed on various devices such as personal computers, tablets, or smartphones, simplifying the DeFi experience. Without these user-friendly interfaces, engaging with DeFi would demand a good grasp of command-line interactions, making it less accessible to the average user.

Through DeFi applications, users are presented with a user-friendly interface that streamlines transactions, offering a variety of financial activities to choose from. For instance, if you're looking to extend a loan with interest, the application allows you to set the terms, such as the interest rate and collateral required. Conversely, if you're in need of a loan, the application can help you explore potential lenders, ranging from institutions to individuals willing to lend cryptocurrency under agreed terms.

Certain DeFi applications also provide functionality to specify your financial needs, facilitating a match with another user who can meet those needs. With the blockchain's global reach, these applications open up possibilities for offering or receiving financial services from anywhere in the world, transcending geographical boundaries.

Objectives of Decentralized Finance

At the heart of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) lies the concept of peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions, enabling direct exchanges of cryptocurrency for goods or services between two parties, bypassing traditional intermediaries.

DeFi offers several advantages:

  • Universal Access: DeFi platforms are accessible to anyone with an internet connection, facilitating transactions beyond geographical boundaries.
  • Cost Efficiency and Competitive Returns: Direct negotiations between parties on DeFi networks allow for tailored interest rates, fostering environments with lower transaction fees and potentially higher returns on lending.
  • Security and Openness: DeFi transactions are governed by smart contracts on blockchains, ensuring transparency and security. These records are open for public verification without compromising user anonymity. The immutable nature of blockchains means that once recorded, the data is permanent and unalterable.
  • Independence: DeFi operates independently of centralized financial entities, reducing reliance on traditional banks and financial institutions and lowering the costs associated with financial services through decentralized protocols.

Challenges and Limitations of Decentralized Finance

Decentralized finance is in a state of continuous development and operates outside the purview of formal regulation. The DeFi landscape is susceptible to risks including programming errors, cyberattacks, and fraudulent activities. A common vulnerability exploited by malicious actors involves targeting weaknesses within DeFi applications to siphon off cryptocurrency.

The existing regulatory framework is largely outdated, having been designed with the concept of distinct financial territories in mind, each governed by its own set of laws and regulations. The ability of DeFi to facilitate cross-border transactions without regard to national boundaries raises significant regulatory challenges. Questions arise such as:

  • Who holds the responsibility for investigating financial crimes that span multiple countries, DeFi protocols, and applications?
  • Which authority would have the jurisdiction to impose regulations in such a decentralized ecosystem?
  • What mechanisms would be employed to ensure compliance and enforcement of these regulations in the DeFi space?

What Functions Does Decentralized Finance Serve?

The aim of DeFi is to disrupt the reliance on centralized financial entities and intermediaries in financial transactions.

What Does Total Value Locked (TVL) Mean in DeFi?

Total Value Locked (TVL) represents the collective amount of all cryptocurrencies that are staked, loaned, pooled for liquidity, or engaged in various financial operations within the DeFi ecosystem. Additionally, TVL can indicate the total of particular cryptocurrencies, like ether or bitcoin, that are specifically allocated for financial activities within DeFi platforms.

The Bottom Line

Decentralized finance (DeFi) represents a burgeoning area within financial technology, poised as a direct challenge to the traditional centralized banking framework. DeFi aims to sidestep the transaction fees imposed by banks and financial institutions by fostering direct peer-to-peer exchanges.

Being at a nascent stage, akin to the underlying blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies it relies on, DeFi faces considerable obstacles on its path to becoming a viable alternative to the conventional financial ecosystem, which is beset with its own complex challenges. Furthermore, it's unlikely that financial institutions and banks will bow out without resistance. Should there be an opportunity for these established entities to derive profit from the shift towards a blockchain-centric financial system, they are likely to seize it and ensure their involvement in the evolving landscape.

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